Welcome to【Suqian feilaite electronic products Co., Ltd】Official website!
Our newest material, this high frequency MnZn ferrite is ideal for power applications operating between 1 MHz and 5 MHz.Available in 80 material:ToroidsCustomer Specific Designs 80 …
Suqian Fair-Rite was invited to attend ED-Test Technology Conference 2019- Shanghai summit during September 20 & 21, 2019. Leaders, experts, scholars and engineers in the fields…
As representatives of Fair-Rite Electronics Products Corp. we showed our products and presence at booth E5.5856 in SNIEC during 20th-22nd, March.2019. We welcomed our domestic and …
75 material is a kind of Mn-Zn material with high initial permeability, it can provide higher impedance at the frequency of 150K Hz -10 M Hz, The impedance under 1 M Hz can be twice…
原标题:前7月 我市外贸进出口稳中有进西楚网讯 当前,经济外部环境日趋严峻,面对经济下行压力不断凸显,宿迁市鼓励企业增加研发力度、加大创新投入,宿迁全市进出口贸易额呈现持续、较快增长之…
宿迁网讯 (记者 武蕾 实习生 吴镇) 7月19日下午,市委常委、常务副市长沈海斌带领市发改、经信、商务、国土、科技等部门分管负责人赴开发区和特色园区企业进行调研,了解企业发展现状,对存在问…
The anti-interference ferrite cores made of different materials have different optimum suppression frequency range. They are related to permeability. The higher the material’s perm…